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Peer-reviewed Publications

Cruz, S.M., Halpin, L.R., Proaño, C., Anderson, D. and M. Wikelski. IN PRESS. The owl gull: exclusively nocturnal foraging by the Swallow-tailed Gull Creagrus furcatus in Galápagos. Marine Ornithology.

Pollet, I.L., Lenske, A.K., ..., Halpin, L.R., ..., and M.L. Mallory. (2023). "Experts’ opinions on threats to Leach’s Storm-Petrels (Hydrobates leucorhous) across their global range." Avian Conservation and Ecology. 

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Clark, B.L., Carneiro, A.P.B., ..., Halpin, L.R., ..., and M.P. Dias. (2023). "Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds." Nature Communications. 14, 3665.

Halpin, L. R., and J. K. Finn. (2022). "Will south-eastern Australian strandings of the Greater Argonaut (Argonauta argo) increase with climate change?" Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 20:488-488.


Halpin, L. R., Mott, R., Clay, T. A., Humphries, G. R., Chatwin, T. A., Carlile, N., and R. H. Clarke. (2022). "Predicting the foraging habitats of sympatrically breeding gadfly petrels in the South Pacific Ocean." Frontiers in Marine Science.

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O'Dwyer, T., Carlile, N., O'Neill, L., and L. R. Halpin. (2022). "Changing fortunes of the Black-winged petrel Pterodroma nigripennis following the Lord Howe Island Rodent Eradication Project - interactions with other recovering species." Bird Conservation International, 1-11. https:://


Halpin, L. R. (2022). "Movement ecology of sympatric gadfly petrels with implications for bio-logging, island trophic dynamics and conservation." Doctoral thesis. Monash University.

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Halpin, L. R., D. Terrington, H. P. Jones, R. Mott, W. W. Wong, D. Dow, N. Carlile and R. H. Clarke. (2021). "Arthropod predation of vertebrates structures trophic dynamics in island ecosystems." The American Naturalist, 198:4, 540–550.

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Halpin, L. R., J. D. Ross, R. Ramos, R. Mott, N. Carlile, N. Golding, J. Reyes-González, T. N. Militão, F. De Felipe, Z. Zajková, M. Cruz Flores, S. Saldanha, V. Morera-Pujol, L. Navarro-Herrero, L. Zango, J. Gonzalez-Solis and R. H. Clarke. (2021). "Double-tagging scores of seabirds reveals that light-level geolocator accuracy is limited by species idiosyncrasies and equatorial solar profiles." Methods in Ecology & Evolution, 12, 2243–2255. 

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Halpin, L. R., N. Carlile, G. B. Baker, and S. T. Garnett. (2021). "White-necked Petrel Pterodroma cervicalis." Pages 177–179 in The Action Plan for Australian Birds 2020. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.

Halpin, L. R., I. L. Pollet, C. Lee, K. H. Morgan, and H. R. Carter. (2018). "Year-round movements of sympatric Fork-tailed (Oceanodroma furcata) and Leach's (O. leucorhoa) Storm-petrels." Journal of Field Ornithology, 89 (3), 207-220.

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Halpin, L. R., J. R. Towers, and J. K. B. Ford. (2018). "First record of Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in Canadian Pacific waters." Marine Biodiversity Records, 11 (3).

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​Halpin, L. R., J. A. Seminoff, and G. F. Hanke. (2018). "First photographic evidence of a Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) in British Columbia." Northwestern Naturalist, 99 (1), 73-75.

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​Halpin, L. R., M. Galbraith, and K. H. Morgan. (2018). "The first Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) recorded in coastal British Columbia.​" Northwestern Naturalist, 99 (1), 63-65.

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​Halpin, L. R. and M. Willie. (2014). "​First record of dovekie in British Columbia." Northwestern Naturalist, 95 (1), 56-60.​

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McCune, J. L., W. L. Harrower,  S. Avery-Gomm, J. M. Brogan, A. M. Csergo, L. N. K. Davidson, A. Garani, L. R. Halpin, L. P. J. Lipsen, C. Lee, J. C. Nelson, L. R. Prugh, C. M. Stinson, C. K. Whitney, and J. Whitton. (2013). "Threats to Canadian species at risk: An analysis of finalized recovery strategies." Biological Conservation, 166, 254-265.

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Self-authored Media Articles

My Research in the Media

Australian Geographic. 2021.

Yep, bird-eating centipedes exist

Birdwatch Canada. 2018.   

Bird Studies Canada: Strengthening Seabird Conservation Efforts (James L. Baillie Memorial Fund)

Science News. 2018.          

Bull sharks and bottlenose dolphins are moving north as the ocean warms​.

NPR. 2018.                         

Bottlenose Dolphins Spotted Off Canada's Pacific Coast For The First Time.

CBC. 2018.                         

Warm-water bottlenose dolphins, false killer whales documented off B.C.'s Vancouver Island.

Newsweek. 2018.              

Sharks, dolphins and turtles are turning up in strange places because of climate change.

Motherboard. 2018.           

How Did Tropical Dolphins End Up Off the Coast of Canada?

Science Daily. 2018.           

Bottlenose dolphins recorded for the first time in Canadian Pacific waters.

Global News. 2018.           

A swordfish and a loggerhead turtle in B.C. coastal waters? Scientists say warming seas are to blame.

La Vanguardia. 2018.         

Delfines, los primeros refugiados climáticos de los océanos.

Le Figaro. 2018.                 

De grands dauphins s'aventurent dans les eaux froides du Pacifique.

Vancouver Sun. 2018.       

Bottlenose dolphins found off B.C. coast for first time, travelling with false killer whales.

Vancouver Sun. 2018.       

Swordfish and loggerhead turtle spotted off B.C. coast are powerful new evidence of ocean warming.

Vancouver Sun. 2016.       

First-time study tracks storm petrels vast flights off B.C. coast

Birdwatch Canada. 2014.   

Making Islands Rat Free Again for Seabirds, No. 67.

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